Monday, October 18, 2010

I need a clone.

Coming back from a conference and getting sick is a pain in the b..t! I have dead lines, meetings, papers, classes to go to, but I am confined to the private sphere. I am forcing myself to suck it up and just be fine, because I just can't miss school and work. I am going to work tomorrow no matter what. I have a huge deadline on November 1st. If I can only clone myself I will be fine. My colleagues and I always fantasize about having a clone that can do laundry, cooking, printing, etc. I wish I had one now.

When I am sick I usually wear some kind of comforting clothes. Today I am wearing velvet lounging pants from Express, tennis shoes, a top from Victoria's Secret and a pashmina from India. I am preparing for class. I am teaching a Gender Com. class and tomorrow we are discussing the movie 'Southern Comfort' by Kate Davis. I met Kate Davis at Full Frame festival last year when she presented her new documentary StoneWall Uprising, revolving around the origins of the gay parade. Both movies are amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you are sick! That sucks. How cool that you got to meet Kate Davis!
