Monday, November 22, 2010

A Hard Day's Night

You know how when you come home from work and strip off your worky wear and throw on some cool ripped jeans and a suede jacket and feel totally renewed? Too specific to be relatable? Bah. Well! That's exactly how I felt tonight. Still swimming in thick gooey workload and recovering from under the weatherness, but there is something about going from day to night that activates my spirit.

Work Appropriate: black knit skirt from Forever21, vintage blouse [with gold design that you can't see], red Gianni Bini pumps, red/chain earrings.

Revamped for dinner in the city! Guess jeans [natural rips! what what!], LaRok suede jacket.

See, you can tell I am having a good time already because I am checking out my rack. [Not really. I don't do that. Definitely have never done that.]


  1. Love your ripped jeans! You're wearing this look so well!

  2. love both. but definitely know what you mean. we are kindred because my suede jacket is actually a suede fringed vest... it's like a sweatshirt to me. Sigh!

  3. thanks so much! it's hard to go wrong with ripped jeans and suede, no? haha.

  4. I love the second look too! You're so hip. Haha.
