Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 33.

My clothes are getting boring.

Not shopping has had an odd affect on my sense of fashion. Instead of feeling more creative, I have started a fashion hibernation of sorts. I am surviving on the reserves of a few favorite pieces. Everything else in my closet feels confusing and like an enemy. [Been giving some mad side-eye to my closet these days.]

I have a good excuse today. I had to get up at 4:30am for work purposes [a rare, but scary thing] and I came THIS CLOSE to putting on a new outfit. Then, in the confines of my dark closet [husband was sleeping, like a sane human being] my thoughts started whispering to me, "What are you thinking? New? Exciting? No no no, you want comfort. You want eassssssse." [Said like the snake in the Garden of Eden - tempting me away from creativity and self-expression... or was that snake tempting us towards creativity and self-expression... hmm.] I gave in faster than if you had presented me with an Arlington Donut Shoppe glazed donut.

Hence, my comfort clothes. Sweater? Check. Jeans? Check. White tank top? Check. Scarf? Check. Cowgirl boots? Check.

My coworker/friend/professional photographer [by now] told me I could sit on this bench if I thought of a nice memory. I told her I remembered these jeans, because I wear them every other day.

I thought part of the point of this journey was to try out new outfits, discover old clothes that had become lost and long forgotten?

[A rare shot of my from behind.]

[We found some new and exciting trees to stand by. And a Forest Gump bench is not far off in my future.]

I feel slightly re-inspired. Tomorrow I will be debuting the outfit I refused to wear this morning. I am also going to go through and get rid of all the things that are clogging up my fashion brainwaves.


  1. I feel the same way Hilary. I want to be comfortable. :)

  2. Seriously? I love that outfit!

  3. thanks jane! i just feel like its my uniform... haha.
