Sunday, November 7, 2010

Internet is back on.

Not having the Internet for two days was a relief but also a pain, because I conduct a lot of my research on-line. I spent the day at my office. I am doing some research on the Slow Food Movement that emerged in Italy in the 1980 in response to the global "McDonaldization". In brief, the movement calls for 'good, clean and fair' food, promoting local and seasonal ingredients, local farmers, sustainable agriculture and artisan cooking techniques.

Not wearing make up, which is very obvious. ahahah Wearing a top from Forever21 my friend Maria gave me. I love this top. It's warm and sexy. The pants are from Patrizia Pepe, an Italian designer. She does a line for the States, but it sucks. It's very urban hip&hop, but in a trashy bad way. Kind of like Kimora (is that her name). The Italian line is way more sophisticated and just simple. The pants are wool; ideal for when it's cold. The more I write about my clothes the more I realize that I have many designer items, all which lasted over more than 10 years. I can't wait to write an account of my 91 days, what worked, what did not and why.

A Real Pizza.


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