Saturday, November 27, 2010

Um yeah. We won.

Finally! I know all these Gator Haters are gunna come up with a gazillion reasons why this win is meaningless, but let's face it. Let's be honest. We killed 'em. And I'll take it! I'm usually the girl feeling sorry for the losing team, even when it's my team who is beating them! But not this time. I have endured some major Gator hatred over the last few years and I am happy to see their faces smeared in our beautiful dirt for once. We all know the Gators suck more than words are a great team and will come back from this. So... BOO IN YO' FACE YOU LOSERS. What what!

My game day uniform. Wine, black cotton miniskirt from Urban, vintage red and gold [close enough to garnet] plaid blouse, black wool sweater from Urban, black knee high socks [same from last post, but worn differently], and black suede Urban boots. Very Urban, this outfit.

A blue hue, although I couldn't be further from wearing orange + blue OR from feeling blue. I am super joyous! AND Maryland beat NC State. It is great to be a Florida Stater, as I saw my friend say! [Very clever, Lilterra!]

This look has been on my back burner for weeks now after seeing it on Finally got a chance to wear it!

Go Noles!!!!!


  1. I like this! You are good at figuring out how to make those outfits work for you! I am going to start doing that.

  2. hey! thanks lady. i really enjoyed this outfit, but i ended up changing into leggings almost immediately after taking the picture. better for lounging on the sofa and alternately jumping off the sofa to cheer. :D

    remember we did this with your jumper thing! where we tied the ankles and put on the belt? it's fun to do, i think.

  3. I could have used your help trying to put together a 'cold weather football outfit'. It was FREEZING in Tally and all I own in garnet and gold are tanks and shorts! I'd like to see that outfit again for a holiday party, maybe with some flashy stockings! (PS. I'm trying to decide whether to have the poinsetta/cider party again)

  4. definitely have the party! you have fun parties. :) and yes, dressing for cold football is hard here in florida. haha.
