Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Goodbye Lovely Locks.

Tomorrow I am cutting my hair. Off. Above the shoulders.

To say I am apprehensive would be an understatement. To say I am excited for the change would be putting it mildly. Sometimes you just need to cut it off.

The original inspiration:

I wouldn't mind those glasses either.

Anyway, you can read more about it here.

Wearing grey leggings from Alloy, chambray dress from Zara, white tank, stone pendant necklace made by my best best best friend of all time Allie [whose jewelry line, Naked Label, is now sold on and will soon be branching out internationally!], and black suede boots from Urban. I also wore my pea coat and a black scarf for the severely cold weather.

Hair... I will miss you. But I can hopefully donate you to Locks of Love so some little ginger kid can have a nice wig when they really need one. And you will undoubtedly grow back within a year because you grow like a weed.


  1. I love your long hair but i am so excited to see your new 'do! you're gorgeous, any hairstyle will look fabulous on you :)

  2. You are too sweet. Can't wait to show it off!

  3. Your hair is gorgeous!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the change.

  4. you don't know me, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I l-o-v-e your hair!

  5. thank you! i think i will definitely be getting some flack for chopping it off! haha.
