Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ripped Paper and Turkey Induced Comas.

It wasn't a white Christmas. Florida even managed to warm up drastically for this day only. The curse of warm Florida Christmas's. Although it was still not too warm. Tank tops and flip flops wouldn't have been appropriate.

Got this serape for Christmas. It's like wearing a blanket in public in the name of fashion. I am in love.

Wearing it with a black tank, forest green cargo skinnies, brown boots and wooden bangles.

Getting gifts makes me remember why I love shopping. My wardrobe, which has been really uninspiring of late, is getting exciting again. I don't think I will have any issue remembering how to shop, although I think I have learned some valuable lessons.

Like, be picky. And don't be deceived by sales. Don't be scared of high priced, high quality items. They can be a great investment. And don't shop because you're bored, sad, happy or mad. Shop when you know what you are looking for.

The Christmas festivities have only just begun for us. We will be celebrating until New Years, when we will celebrate some more.

Happy Holidays!


  1. darling, my dear! as always. love the updo... you almost tricked me into thinking you'd chopped it! (or did you!?)
    I can't wait to debut a huge poncho blanket deal I got recently. but it really is like a blanket, and weighs about 10 lbs, so we'll see about that.

    merry christmas to the grooviest couple I know!

  2. I can't wait to see your cape/blanket. I totally took a nap under mine today. Haha.

  3. can't wait to get together for some serious shopping:)
