Friday, January 21, 2011

What's up Ebay?

I rarely use Ebay. I think I bought 4 items over the existence of Ebay and sold 4. I don't understand Ebay. I don't 'buy' into Ebay.

First, items are overpriced. I think items on Ebay should be cheap. That is the all idea. You can buy a used French Connection dress for $5.00, but instead that used pair of shoes by BCBG are $50.00 or $70.00. I saw items selling for $1,000.00. Why in the world would I buy stuff that expensive on Ebay? Why don't just go to the store where I can actually touch the item, get a receipt and know that is real. I saw this dress the other day at the mall by French Connection. It was on sale for $80. I was curious to find out if I could find it on Ebay for cheap. Ebay's price was $99.00. Really? Are you that stupid?

On a different note, I have not bought anything since the big shopping spree, which I am proud of. Shopping is not that important after all, after 91 days without it.

This is a French Connection dress that I got from the swap (free). I did not pay $100. That is why you should too go to the swap on February 16 in Jacksonville.



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