Saturday, August 17, 2013

5 Looks For…The Busty Bohemian

Guest Writer: Hilary Johnson. Read more about her on the section "Guest writers and guess fashionistas."

1. To the Maxi
Photo by
Maxi dresses exude bohemian freedom and flexibility like no other item of clothing. It’s a fashion one-stop shop, a chance to express your unique personality without the fuss of multiple items. And it can be thrown in a backpack in a heartbeat to set off on whatever next adventure comes along.

But maxi’s and nungas don’t always get along. Make sure to choose a maxi with wider straps (hide the bra that you should be wearing), has a nice deep v to show off your neckline and avoid the dreaded boob shelf, and has a high waistline to keep your torso from turning into a box.

2. High-Wasted

High waisted shorts work for two reasons. One, it pulls in your torso below your bosoms, creating shape instead of the square your ladies lend to. And two, it creates another curve at your hips, turning a nunga tent into a beautiful hourglass. 

Photo on Netrobe

3. The Cold Shoulder
Showing off your beautiful shoulders only accentuate how awesome big nungas are. It shows the other lines of your body, taking focus off of your gals. And it’s sexy. And demure.

Get a solid strapless bra and throw a tube bra over it to keep it in place for extra support.

4. InVESTed

 Photo on Pinterest

Vests. They hold you in, give you length, or enhance your shape. And they’re cool. Win win.

5. Go With the Flow

 Photo on We Hear it
Tops that are snug around the bosoms and then flow out from there show your drool-worthy curves without putting it all out for show. And it avoids the frumpy dumpy look that too-flowy tops can achieve when you’re working with a little extra somethin’ up top. 


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