Friday, November 29, 2013


First Happy Belated Thanksgiving. I have been cooking, cleaning, and organizing  the house for the past 3 days - all to devour delicious food in less than 4 hours with great friends.

We call our Thanksgiving the 'orphan Thanksgiving' because we invite everyone who is either foreign or those who cannot make it home on time. I had a friend who was supposed to fly in from Saudi Arabia but unfortunately could not get her VISA on time. I had friends from Germany, Cleveland, Key West, and Tallahassee. It makes it for an interesting time full of flavors both in conversations and in food. 

I did not make the traditional turkey. I am not a big fan of turkey. It's too dry for me. So we made a stuffed pork tenderloin, butter squash soup with apples and bacon, glazed carrots, home made honey wheat rolls, focaccia, brussels sprouts infused with balsamic vinegar, mini pumpkin cheesecakes, stuffed mushrooms, cheese potatoes, sweet potatoes pie, and the list keeps going and going. 

I made the center piece myself with accent flowers/green from Whole Foods. I did not want anything pre-made or too cute. I wanted something that called for nature, full of green. So I just grabbed some accent flowers and made them into this beautiful center piece. Not too bad, right? I worked for a flower shop in Tallahassee last year so I got some great tips from them:)

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the dining room table!!!! So pretty! Even after seeing it in person :)
