Friday, April 25, 2014

4 Beauty Tips You Should be Doing for Your Skin

I have been asked few different times what skin products I use on my face. Some of my friends were interested to know how I keep my face moisturize or glowy. To tell you the truth  I was surprised they asked me because I have acne problems so I never feel I have good skin even now that I am pregnant. I will share here my regime. It is pretty simple because I am lazy but I do use specific products. I am breaking down this session of beauty in 3 different articles, so follow my blog if you want to make sure you receive all of the tips. It's just a click on the right of this article.

First, let me just tell you that I don't smoke or drink much alcohol well of course now that I am pregnant!!! But even before. I quit smoking in 2005. There are not lies: if you smoke your skin will get wrinkles fast! 

Second, I am an active person (not extreme) but I always do something physical. Running will really help your skin get that glow because you will have more blood flowing. Look, you could be gardening, cleaning or lifting weight. The more active you are the more young your skin will look. That's a proven fact.

Third, I do not tan. Crazy right? I live in Florida. I was obsessed with tanning because it is a big part of Italian culture, but then I visited my dermatologist in Tallahassee. I asked her: "why are you always so busy?" Apparently there are many cases of skin cancer due to the sun in Florida and in fact I met so many people who had some form of it. 

I have fair skin (yes the only Italian with fair skin). That means I have more probability of getting burned and skin cancer than other type of skin. 

Sun also has been proven  to cause wrinkles, discoloration of the skin (brown spots) and overall skin cancer. Well, I don't know about you but I don't want that.

I love the sun and the beach but I always wear protection 30-70. And just so you know even black people have a high risk of sun burning. Actually 300% more than other ethnicity. My friend did a speech on it and I still remember how surprised I was. So sun is bad for everybody. 

Fourth, when I was young and did not know better I used to eat crappy food. Then I learned things in school and wrote my dissertation on how bad GMOs foods as well as plastic bottled waters, pesticides, etc. are for you. Ok fine I like to research a lot and I do get obsessed but I like to know facts if I decide to change something in my life. 

So my eating habits have changed. I try to eat organic foods. I try to grow my own veggies. I do not eat fast food. I say 'I try' because in our society it is a challenge to eat only organics or to buy organic toilet paper, soap, etc. When I was in my first trimester I could not eat anything because of morning (all day) sickness. I relied on boiled potatoes, plain chicken and plain pasta. Was my pasta 100% organic at all times? No. At that point it was more about eating something rather than nothing, which it would have been worse. My point is that you don't have to be an extremist to take advantage of the benefits of a healthy life style. 

Before I actually talk about products and make up I use I just wanted to share these fundamental elements that have set the foundation for my overall skin. I guess now that I am over 30 I am trying to minimize potential harm. Next week, I will actually do a tutorial so stay tune. 

Interested in getting the names of my skin products? Check out my next article next week!!!!

BTW, this is my progress with my pregnancy. I believe I am 19 weeks so far. 

My work outfit consists of a J.Crew T-shirt (lilac) // Skirt by Express (one size bigger so I could fit the belly)


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