Monday, May 12, 2014

Emotional Crisis during Pregnancy or Psycho Moments during Pregnancy

One of the questions I have been getting from my friends who yet need to be pregnant is whether I go crazy and have the so called emotional distress, or mood swings. The typical gender stereotype of pregnant women going psycho over silly things and the husband usually pays for it.

In regards to change in social behavior due to pregnancy I just participated in a study conducted by FSU where I had to fill in a questionnaire answering a variety of questions related to social changes with friends and family due to hormonal changes.

The answer is: not really until........ Overall, I have been very calm, the opposite of the histerical pregnancy moments. I am not stressed or overwhelmed. However, I did experience an emotional crisis when I was in San Francisco, in a public space, in front of an entire restaurant. Yep...

There is an explanation of course. Shawn and I had been walking for hours (at least 3 hours) climbing streets in San Francisco and ending up at the market by the docks. I really had a light breakfast and it was about 4PM. The plan was to visit this market with all kind of restaurants and seat. Well after going up and down we still have not picked a place. In the meantime Shawn had vanished trying to resolve some issues with his card, the Nespresso guy pinched us down for 30 minutes explaining in a velocity of light all the features of the new Nespresso machine, which we did not buy. Then we decided to go for an Oyster bar since Shawn loves them. While in line, we had 2 other couples behind us, we asked for a menu given that I could not have anything on the menu. The place was packed. We stepped out the line to check the menu and one couple passed in front  of us. Ok, no problem. Then the host looked at us and said ok, are you guys ready? I WAS, but Shawn said let these other people go first since we stepped out of the line. I LOST IT. At that point I could not feel my legs, I was tired, hungry and could not handle any more politeness. I just wanted to fucking sit down and eat. I pretty much must have turned red and had tears in my eyes and said something like why, we were eon line, I need to sit. I don't know what I said but everyone had a weird panic scared expression on their face. Within 5 seconds we were seated. I don't think Shawn realized that pregnant women cannot wait. When we said it's time. It's fucking time. There is no negotiation or rationality. I could not control my emotions. I am not a pain in the ass usually. I am really free bird, but since I am pregnant when I say I need to rest and eat, I need to do it. If not, I feel dizzy and about to pass out.

This was definitely the most emotional crisis during pregnancy. Consider also that I had flew from Florida to San Francisco on a Wed after delays. I attended a conference all day until Friday and walked hours on Saturday. I think I deserve some recognition.

The other moment where I almost passed out was at H&M. Determined to get two dresses I stood in line with screaming teenagers and no a/c. yep San Francisco does not use a/c. But I did get my dresses. Ah! And then we went to sit and eat.

The emotional distress caused by pregnancy. I think at that point I was laughing hysterically. 
PS. The waitress behind me was pregnant too. 

Resources on how emotional distress during pregnancy works: 


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