Thursday, June 12, 2014

Vegetable Lasagna or Lasagne: Vegetarian recipe

Raw Vegan Lasagne

This is going to be known as one of my best recipes. First I want to say that this is an adaptation to a Zucchini and Green Zebra Tomato Lasagne that appears on the recipe book Raw Food, Real World by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis. I will mention through out the recipe if I take some of the sauces from them. I have made many similar recipes to this one before even reading about their version. If you think about it, it’s a carpaccio with zucchini (popular in Italy) or a caprese without the cheese. Though they really take a step forward making it an entree that is superb. I would recommend anyone to buy their book. It taught me a lot in terms of grains, nuts, natural sugar products, etc.

This is a pretty time consuming recipe for a raw lasagne:) You need to make 3 different sauces. I am writing here my adaptation.
1 Sauce Marinate
Fresh herbs from my organic garden (oregano, Italian and Greek basil, parsley, rosemary, thyme, one leaf of arugula, clove of garlic). These herbs must be chopped finely. You can use a half moon or blender or knife. Add half lemon juice. Cover with olive oil, extra virgin. Add salt and pepper and put on a side.
2 Sauce Ricotta Like (Taken from the Book)
2 cups of pine nuts; 2 tablespoons lemon juice; 2 table spoons nutriotinal yeast; 1 teaspoon sea salt; 6 tablespoons filtered water. I personally added some other type of nuts because I did not have a lot of pine nuts.
“Place the pignoli nuts, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, and salt in a food processor and pulse a few times, until throughly combined, Gradually add the water and process until the texture becomes fluffy, like ricotta” (p. 174). 
3 Sauce Tomato
one cup of sun dried tomatoes including the oil they come with; one big spoon of chopped red onion, one small red tomato chopped, some lemon juice and olive oil. Add 1/4 cup of cured black olives in salt (Greek ones). I also added some small pieces of a lemon. Yes a lemon not its juice.;)
Mix all ingredients in a blender or mixer until you get a sauce that reminds of gazpacho. 
4. For the assemble:
One zucchini

3 different types of tomatoes: one green, one black, and one yellow. They are expensive. I pay 6 dollars for one!! But they are so beautiful and good. 
Slice the zucchini with a peeler along the side. They need to be very thin and long. Do this until you are done. Place in a bowl with the first sauce to marinate. Leave some sauce for decoration (one big spoon).
Slice the tomatoes thin. Set aside.
Now take a nice beautiful plate. In the middle lay 2 zucchini next to each other. Top with the sauce #2, then Sauce #3; top with tomatoes (probably 2 at the time, so you can do one green, one yellow, etc). Top the tomatoes with the zucchini and keep going until all ingredients are gone. Top with sauce #1, basil leaves, fennel, and arugula. 
For more pictures refer to the old post on my food blog


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