Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Honey Caramel Blonde: Week 2 post baby weight loss

I am sitting in the chair of my favorite hair salon, Dream State, which uses Aveda products, and thought I would take advantage to write my review of my post baby weight loss (is it really though?) and getting back in shape. 

This week was a disaster. I did not lose or gain anything. So far in one month I lost 3 pounds not considering all the weight I lost after giving birth (20 pounds or so). Between the sleepless nights and just my mom cooking Italian delicious dishes I did nothing. 

I tried to go jogging and literally my legs were heavy and in pain, so I walked. The only activity I kept consistent is hot yoga. I must say I am getting better or I should say I am able to bend more and more like the old day. It makes me so happy to be able to stretch even if it is a little bit more. It makes me feel I have accomplished something, that my efforts pay off. Plus my body feels so young!! Ahahah

PS. what do you think of my new hair color? I decided to go darker choosing a caramel-honey color for my hair. 

RESULTS week 2: 
0 weight loss
ACTIVITY: 90 minutes of hot yoga and walks around the block


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