Sunday, May 31, 2015

First birthday cake ideas: baking for your little one

Olivia will turn 1 year in September. We will be in Italy to celebrate her birthday and I want to make one of those cool cakes you see on Pinterest. Given that my baking skills suck I decided to start practicing in advance so I made a Bloody Orange and Raspberry Cake I saw on Pinterest. The original recipe can be found on the Cake Blog. I am not going to re-write the recipe but I will add few tricks for dummies like me. The baker from the blog assumes that you have some basic baking skills. Well, I did not and I ended up trowing away the first two cakes and also managed to grated my thumb in the cheese grater.

FIRST TIP: Do exactly as the recipe reads. Do not skip steps, do not mix sugar with flour when you are not supposed to. Read the recipe in advance. Trust me!

SECOND TIP: Buy the proper pans to bake the cake. Do not try to bake this cake in those cheesecake baking pans because the batter will leak in the oven. (yes, that happened too when I was making it). You need to get those simple round oven pans you get at the supermarket. They are $5.

THIRD TIP: Buy tons of butter. Don't think the recipe asks for too much butter. You really need it.

FOURTH TIP: To make it easy to spread the icing on the cake, making sure you cover the entire surface, spread a layer, then put the cake in the fridge for 5-10 minutes, then take it out level it with a knife or special spatula and add more icing. Repeat until you achieve the desire look. More tips on how to frost cakes here.

The cake was amazing. I did not use all of the icing because I did not make 3 or 4 cakes. But the cake was extraordinary. So total success!! Good Luck if you make it and share your pictures!!

Here I share my disaster and my results. You can see my kitchen was a mess.


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