Do you buy multiples of clothes?

posted on , by Unknown

Do you buy multiples of clothes?  I curate a Facebook group off my Facebook page. It is a private group for my friends and few devoted fans to freely discuss fashion, exchange tips for gifts and just learn from each other. One of the questions that came up was whether we buy multiples of clothes we love. I was surprised that all of the people who responded admitted buying multiples ...


11 Things I learned from Hurricane Hermine

posted on , by Ginevra Adamoli

Hurricane Hermine hit Tallahassee and while the storm did not damage and kill people the city was left with no power for several days. Having lived Hurricane Gilbert in 1987 when living in Jamaica this was not that bad, but I definitely learned something. 1. Never ever I have seen so many people working out and going to the gym when the power is off at their house. 2. Never ever ...


Salad with fresh Brussel Sprouts and Sweet Sprouts

posted on , by Ginevra Adamoli

window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '1209079905826929', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.8' }); FB.AppEvents.logPageView(); }; (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; ...


How to Buy Clothes Online If You Are Not Tall or Skinny

posted on , by Ginevra Adamoli

I am an avid online shopper. I began many years ago with Ebay. At first, I had hit and miss. I would get items too small, short, or long. At times, I still do but it does not matter because I never spent more than $5 on risky items. So, how do you shop online if you are not tall or skinny or looking like a model? How to buy clothes online? Here's few tips to make your online shopping ...


5 Non Traditional Fashion Movies to Fall in Love With

posted on , by Ginevra Adamoli

5 Fashion Movies to Fall in Love With By Cassie at CultureCoverage.com Fashion is one of those art forms that really benefits from the film medium; fashion, like film, is all about what one can view with the eye, appreciate with the senses, and fall in love with from first glance.For these five style-minded movies, it’s all about seeing with a more careful eye and just falling ...