Jump Suit!

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I love jump suits. The first one I bought with Hilary at Anthropologie. She convinced me to buy it. I was skeptical because you always risk to have a giant 'ass,' but once I wore out it on I just fell in love. This year I found another one at Forever 21. It's beautiful, very refreshing and it is in style with the exotic pajama pants and prints I have seen on the runaway. I thought I had to sew a pair but these days you can find anything already for sale and cheap, which makes me sad because it means that it is made in China. I always try to support local business. A jacket made in USA at Anthropologie can costs up to $200; a jacket by CK made in some foreign country an dbought at Ross costs $20. Where do we draw the line?

This is the Jumpsuit from Forever 21, which costs around $34. I love to pair prints with other prints so I wore those Minnie's shoes with white dots. The man on the left is my dad;) We are in Jacksonville Beach.


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