#1. Buy compressed stockings. Your doctor will give you a prescription to go and see a specialist in compressed stockings. They take your leg measurements and then they custom make stockings. These are to prevent any clogging of your veins while on the airplane. They are hard to put on and they really suck everything but they are worth buying if you are concerned. They are pricy. You might want to check CVS pharmacy for an alternative cheaper solution.
#2. Drink plenty of water when you fly.
#3. Get up and walk every hour or so when you fly, which should not be a problem given that you have to pee very give minutes.
#4. My own suggestion is to bring plenty of snacks in your bag. I was so hungry and felt weak I ended up buying some tapas snack on the Delta flight.
Of course because of the tornado and heavy rain in Florida our flight was delayed and we lost the connection for San Francisco. We were lucky because we cleared out for the standby list for the flight that left 2 hours later. Thank God, because the next flight would have not left until 8PM getting in super late.
We finally made it to the hotel Kabuki in Japantown San Francisco at 7:30pm their time and had really good dinner at SPQR, a kind of Italian-American restaurant. The best food we had while in San Francisco.
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