[caption id="attachment_716" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Mumford and Sons"]
ALL of them are amazing [The XX, new Arcade Fire, The Avett Brothers, Cherry Ghost, and Mumford & Sons], but Mumford & Sons [a band I've been into for a long time and have lazily not taken the plunge with until now] has me swooning. The singer comes from a highly religious background. His parents are the national directors of the evangelical Vineyard Church and all of his songs have this amazing amazing amazing existential, spiritual tone to them that really... gets me. Or I get it. I can't stop listening to it. I have mentally renamed them Mmmmmmford & Sons.
Beyond that, I was checking out the Dolce Vita [maker of my moto boots] Lookbook on Shopbop.com Found this outfit that inspired me on this unseasonably [pshhh who am I kidding, this is Florida] warm fall day.
[caption id="attachment_717" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Dolce Vita."]
And here is my incarnation of the above look, courtesy of my closet.
[caption id="attachment_718" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Rarrr! (Go Jags?)"]
Time to get back to swimming in the musical airwaves of Mmmmford and Sons.
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