Don't quite remember all the details and the first part, but my instructor took the class and the students to a science museum. At the end of the visit we were asked to sit down in this media center/children space to write an essay about our experience. Even thought I was an adult it looked like I was a child. The paper I wrote on had little animals and was pink. Next to me was my good friend Melissa from Miami. The museum was built in the shape of a giant transparent cupola like the one in the Simpsons' movie. I looked at the horizon and saw one of the 3 fire balls that were supposed to destroy the planet. Somehow one managed to remain and I guess people forgot that they had to take care of. We all stared at this fire planet coming closer and closer to the museum. Suddenly Buzz Lightyear from Toys Story jumped in and grabbed the fire ball, but he failed miserly and they both bounced on the cupola. We all stared thinking it was the end of our life, but the fire ball was not on fire anymore so what happened it s that they both bounced on the cupola and fell on the courtyard of the museum. At that point we all got excited and run outside to see what had happened. The END!
So in honor of Buzz Lightyear, here my outfit..... minus the helmet.
Top from Forever 21, leggings from Forever 21, boots from Topshop, sweater belonged to my grandmother.
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