Had a wonderfully decadent day. Went to the spa at the Ritz Carlton [oh la la]. Ate a delicious lunch of an open faced sandy on 12 grain bread with shaved turkey breast, swiss cheese, asparagus, tomato, and avocado topped with spicy mayo at Gourmet Gourmet in Amelia Island. Took a NAP. [!!!!!!] Ate loads and loads of crab legs and shrimp and oysters at Sliders in Atlantic Beach. And topped the night off with a new black ale at Intuition Ale Works. While playing Jenga. [La ti da.]
Wearing forest green skinny cargos, new BB Dakota sweater, black scarf and moccs.
A disproportionate amount of butter.
Leaning tower of Jenga.
JENGA mother effing bee's!
Three mo' days. I promise to be more creative and to not wear this sweater again in that time period. I should be able to hold out for three days. Plus, it will be in the SEVENTIES. Heck to the yes.
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